Thursday, December 18, 2008

happy solstice, and the end of 2008

I want to wish everyone a very happy solstice (summer or winter depending on where you are in this great big world). Here in the southern hemisphere, its a time to celebrate the sun and be outdoors (although the weather hasn't been all that sunny - but the rain is well and truly welcome...). Although I'm not a Grinch, I find all the traditional christmas things a little silly in summer, they are symbols of winter, and were the traditions of the winter solstice - ever green trees, lights, fake snow, big filling roast dinners etc etc. We are a bit different, and want to celebrate the seasons, so for us, although its Christmas its a time for all things sunny and summery.

Anyway, I want to take the opportunity to look over the year that 2008 was. For us it was a year of great challenges, good and bad. Its been a year that has been driven very stronly by our goals, of where we want to end up in life, and of reducing our impact on the earth.

The biggest things to have changed my life this year are the arrival of our little boy in May, and the loss of my beloved pony Brandy in October (she had been with me for nearly 18 years). Both presented challenges to me, and have made me realise that I have more strength and courage than I have ever given myself credit for.

We have too much grass...

So we all wish you a good 'festive' time regardless of what you believe or what you do, enjoy a rest from the usual things and spend some time with those you care about.


  1. We did get the extra 6 windows in and even got the arch's on the kitchen window(only some silasticing and the cupboard doors left to go).

    We are now fixing up the lounge room(some plaster got damaged accidentally, so we might as well fix it all up ;).

    Thanks Paul for your help.

    The shoe box only took one day to build actually, it was 5-6 years of planning though.

    It has been a very busy year, but overall quite a good one.

  2. Happy Birthday for the 28th Sharon, should l mention how old your
    Wow, that is amazing everything you have done, feel free to come over to mine when l go to rebuild my kitchen and re-tile~

    Have a great Christmas and congratulations on everything you have achieved espeically your long labour with Jasper. I love the pictures too.

    Love andy

  3. Wow!

    That is a year full of great accomplishments Sharon!

    May you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. youve definietly been busy this year - hope you have a great birthday on Sunday and that you and your family had a great Christmas too :)
