Fruit trees and vegy gardens are such a great investment. It doesn't cost much (somethings in fact are free - if you know where to look - like my raspberry patch which started from some suckers that my mum gave me.... - we will easily pick 10kg of berries this year - only 4-5 years since planting), doesn't take that much work (although it does take work, but its fun, and beats sitting infront of the TV), and the rewards are just great. On the downside, once you eat peaches fresh off the tree you just can't buy them ever again... Bought peaches (and most fruit and veg really) are bred to be tough for travelling in trucks etc. Home grown are just the fruit, sweet, soft and just soooooo good.... Mine wont be ready till January :(
I'm almost finished spinning all the blue green merino tops, and next up on the spinning adgenda are some batts of my own creation! Alpaca, mohair, silk and sparkly angenlina!! Yay! Should be fun spinning. I'm going to take that along to the local spinners group christmas lunch, in 2 weeks. Gotta get carding!

I got to meet some other Ravelers last weekend too. This is the first time I've met anyone that I have known via the internet. We had a good time, and it was fun to talk knitting needles etc! And I got the heads up about the new Addi interchable needles! Sooooo tempting.